My Journey to The Way

I was born into a Christian home and I can’t really remember a definite moment of me hearing the Gospel for the first time. I just learnt throughout my years in church that Jesus died for me. 

I did not know the reason why He had to die or how His death changed anything for me. I never questioned it. I just went with the flow and never really committed myself to anything. 

 Even though I understood little about the Gospel at the time, I knew that I’d have to give up my “liberty” to sin if I really wanted to follow Jesus. But I had no real reason to give this up and follow Jesus. I didn’t think Jesus had anything to offer me other than a religious life.

But as time went by, God started to plant seeds in my heart, seeds that will stir up in me the desire to know more about Him. A lady in my local church back in the day would put up posts on Facebook writing about her relationship with God. And I would read and wonder if she was writing about the same God I knew (or I thought I knew).

This became the beginning of how God changed my perspective of who He is and what a relationship with Him looks like. 

I was enamored by the way this lady talked about God, but I did not know how to begin to pursue that kind of relationship with God. I was not even sure He wanted to have a relationship with me. 

I didn’t bother to pursue it any further, I just knew in my heart that some people experience God in a way I haven’t.

Few years down the line, the 2020 pandemic happened. And some of us were forced to stay home with our families 😄

The world stood still for a moment there. And it was in this stillness that I began to see the Gospel for what it really was. In this period, a family member persuaded me to read a book called Born To Win by David Oyedepo. He expected a report of what I had learnt from the book, so I was forced to read it. I read it not knowing that the answers to the questions I had in my heart were in the book. 

 Through this book, I saw what is in it for me when I decide to follow Christ and accept His sacrifice of love for me.

One particular thing that spoke to my heart from the book was that, in redemption, we are brought back to how it was in the garden of Eden when Adam wasn’t spiritually dead. It became clear to me that Jesus is the one who has the power to resurrect my spirit man and help me commune and have a relationship with God.

 The seeds that had been planted in my heart—that knowing that it is possible for one to have a true personal relationship with God—began to come to life as I read this book. God worked on my heart in that moment to help me understand the way to have that which I admired in other people.

The Way was Jesus. 

The Way was who I had been avoiding. 

The Way was the one I thought had nothing to offer me.

The Way was the one who loved me from the very beginning. 

The Way was the one who loved me enough to die for me and free me from spiritual death.

 Something changed for me on that day, I read and I understood because of God. I understood that I can come close and know Him better if I decide to follow His Son. I pondered on these things for a while. I was in the valley of decision, but the Lord helped me choose right. I chose Him and I knew the reason why I chose Him. And I would not have life any other way. This is home. Jesus, is home

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