I am learning something
I am learning to take my gaze away from my needs
Everyday, there’s a new need
Every day
Needs and Wants intertwined
Sometimes I can’t tell the difference
I mistaken one for the other at times
Well recently,
I became self-aware
I realized that when I discover a need,
All I can think about is the ways I can fill it up
I worry
Maybe in a subtle way, but yeah I worry
Over the littlest need
Would I be able to have this?
If I don’t, will it make life harder?
I wallow in the anxiety
My mind meditates on the lack
I’m beginning to see it for what it is
Anxiety is a thief of joy
Anxiety is a thief of peace
I have to trust what Scripture says
Matthew 6:8
I am not the only one aware of my needs
My Father knows what I need before I ask Him
Or before I start worrying about it
I’m starting to understand what it means for Him to be Jireh
The provision may not come in a way I expect
But He is still Jireh
The provision may not come at the “right” time
But He is Jireh
The provision might not come at all
Still He remains Jireh